Tuesday, August 7, 2007

EXPERIMENT: Tapping for Emotional Eating

EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is an energy healing modality developed by Gary Craig. As he describes it, you can think of it as emotional acupuncture. The basic method involves tapping (a term you'll hear me use a lot) on specific points on your body so as to restore the natural, healthy flow of energy where blockages have ocurred due to emotional trauma. To tap, all you do is use one or two fingers and gently tap 4-9 times each on the designated points.

I ordered Carol Look's "Key to Successful Weightloss - How to Conquer Emotional Eating" and the package should be arriving any day now. This particular program is supposed to be idiot-proofed because it provides an extensive array of statements on which to tap - all related to the emotional and mental issues associated with compulsive eating, food addictions, cravings, etc.

Being an energy healer, I have a solid knowledge of EFT and so I've been tapping the last few days even without the "official program" to guide me. Energy healing has been a big part of my healing process thus far with food and body issues. And yet, I've never used EFT exclusively. My goal with this experiment is to let go of every notion I have about how I'm "supposed" to lose weight, let go of diets, let go of exercise plans, let go of all of my cause and effect thinking of the past and tap my little heart out on every limiting belief and emotional charge I can uncover.

At the height of my bulimic symptoms and compulsive eating, I was a person obsessed. This was back in the 80's. It was really quite sad, actually. From the moment I would awake, to the moment I went to bed, I would think about what I would eat, how much I'd eat, and when I would eat. It was my own secret hell. I'd make plans and promises, charts and graphs, I might keep it together for a while, but I would ultimately lose all control in a a big, shame-filled binge, all alone, at night, in front of the t.v. in hiding. My preferred method of purging was the abuse of laxatives. The next morning I would awake bloated and filled with self-loathing. Anyone who doesn't think food is a drug, should try being a bulimic for a while. Thank God that is all behind me!!! Really, THANK GOD! Wow, I haven't talked about this stuff in a looong time.

Anyway, the reason I bring it up today is that in beginning the procees of tapping and letting go of all preconceived notions about how and what I should do to lose these residual yo-yo 10+ pounds, I've really become aware of the last remaining vestiges of this addictive type of energy. My greatest challenge these days occurs for me at night with sugar.

What I've noticed is that although I can move through my day very neutral about food and body - eating sensible meals, making healthy choices easily, enjoying healthy food - when it comes to night time, a mysterious monster that lurks in my unconscious during the day takes over.

My usual ritual is to eat dinner, usually in front of the t.v. with my family. (Yes, I'm not proud to admit this. I wish I were one of those women who proudly created sit-down dinners for my family every night, but that's for another conversation...) We eat. We finish. And then "that thing" takes over. I must have my treats. I've gotten to the point that they are as healthy as possible - like no-sugar-added popsicles, sugar free popsicles or fruit. But I can get up anywhere from 4-8 times each night in search of something else to munch on. Having a full stomach has NOTHING to do with the decision making process. Finding a sense of fullness and satisfaction escapes me. And so, I've been tapping, tapping, tapping on this. I've tapped on statements like:

Even though I have to have night time treats, I absolutely love and accept myself.
Even though I can't imagine letting go of night time eating, I abolutely...
Even though just the thought of letting go of my treats makes me feel sad and empty, I asolutely..
Even though I'm addicted to sugar, I absolutely...
Even though I'm starved for something, but don't know what it is, I absolutely...
Even though I don't know how to do this, I absolutely...
Even though something takes over me and I don't know what it is, I absolutely....

Well, 3 out of the last 4 nights, the addiction energy has definitely felt lighter. Last nite I had to tap a lot, but this night, I tapped even before dinner, and I felt a noticeable diminishment in intensity.

I've also tapped regarding my inertia around physical activity and feeling unmotivated. I enjoyed some fun effortless walks and bike-rides in the last few days without making a big deal about it.

I've also tapped quite a bit on places I feel resistant around having the body I envision, letting myself, feeling like I'm not supposed to, recalling and tapping on memories from 8th grade where I compared myself to other girls and felt less than.

So, that's where I'm at for today. I look forward to getting started with Carol Look's Program.

More to follow.

Choose Your Reality!


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