Tuesday, May 29, 2007

MUSING: Quantum Physics Supports World Peace

My husband, Chris, has been reading the book, The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight by Thom Hartmann. I can't remember what metaphysical conversation we were engaged in, but suddenly he stopped, ran to the bathroom (that's where his book was) and said, "Sonia, check this out!" He went on to read me a passage that talked about The World Peace Experiment, which has launched a grass-roots effort to create world peace through the conscious intention of 80,000 world citizens.

I've heard about collective intention for good things before, but what really struck me was the scientific theory behind the specific goal of 80,000. Chris went on to read a passage quoting Victor Grey's work, Web Without a Weaver, (Open Heart Press, 1997).

"Physicists tell us that according to the laws of wave mechanics, the intensity of any kind of waves that are in phase with each other is the square of the sum of the waves. In other words, two waves added together are four times as intense as one wave, ten waves are one hundred times as intense, etc.

Since thought is an energy, and all energy occurs as waves - we believe that 80,000 people all thinking the same thing together are as powerful, in terms of creating the reality that we all share, as the random chaotic thought of the 6.4 billion people (80,000 times 80,000) that will soon inhabit the planet.

Therefore, 80,000 people who believe that only love prevails, will create a laser of intent that will change the planetary reality."

Call me a metaphysical nerd, but I thought this was beyond cool! I went straight to the web-site: www.OnlyLovePrevails.com, read everything I needed to know, and signed up. I've been intentionally redirecting my thougths toward love in the face of media negativity for some years now. But I just LOVE being part of an organized effort. Won't you join me? As of today there are more than 31,000 peace-makers participating in this effort. I can feel the energy gaining momentum like a snowball. The world is a beautiful place. We need only decide to look for the beauty to experience it that way!

Choose Your Reality!


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ADVICE: Finding Your Source

Q: Practitioners like Wayne Dyer and Deepak Chopra often talk about source energy. What do they mean by that? And, why do they believe that source energy is connected to health?

A: Source energy refers to the idea that there is ONE power in the Universe and that power is in the form of energy. Everything is energy ? our thoughts, our emotions, our bodies, our stuff. The essential nature of this universal energy is infinite love, wisdom, power and goodness. This means that the natural state of the Universe is abundance, well-being, perfect health, joy, freedom, peace, etc. And because EVERYTHING is energy, by definition you are also made up of this energy, and therefore possess the very same properties of infinite well-being. The relationship between health and source energy is a matter of resistance vs. allowing. Thoughts and emotions that make you feel bad act as resistance to the natural expression of source energy within you. This resistance impedes the expression of good health. When you release resistance, you allow source energy (i.e. your true nature) to express in, as, and through you more freely. As a result source energy expressing as good health can then be your experience.

Choose Your Reality!


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Sunday, May 27, 2007

ARTICLE: The Power of "I Don't Know"

Recently, I was reminded of The Power of I Don’t Know. I’ve been working on my own personal dream of publishing my first book for years now. So, the latest hoop I’ve been jumping through is trying to come up with the perfect title. Sweet Source! Have I been frustrated! I’ve run my book and titles by numerous early reviewers and everyone has an opinion! Boy, if we could only fuel our country on opinions we’d end every energy crisis, the war, and global warming (although our atmosphere might spike in temperature with all the hot air). Can you tell I’m exasperated?

Anyway, here’s the spiritual rub: after trying to control the (#@%!) out of the process and make everyone happy, including the marketing expert, I remembered The Power of I Don’t Know. In my earlier days of chasing big life dreams, my mentors guided me with this wisdom:

When you’re going for your big dreams, and you don’t know how to proceed or what to believe…

1) Accept when you just don’t know. Embrace it. Surrender. Declare, “I don’t know what I’m doing.” (It will be very liberating!)

2) Let it be okay. You WILL find your answers – not by trying to hunt them down and grab them, but by letting them come to you.

3) THEN, gather information. Gather, gather, gather every perspective and opinion, and take it only as information. Don’t try to figure out which one is right. Just gather.

4) You’ll know you’ve gathered enough information, when things get repetitive. When you no longer hear anything new, it is time to turn within.

5) Then, in the stillness of I don’t know, see what feels right for you, trust it and go with it.

In the world of metaphysics, there is no right or wrong. There is only allowing and resistance. As long as you get caught up in right/wrong thinking, you’ll be inviting resistance. If, however, you go with what feels true for you, you will allow your soul to guide you every step of the way.

So, what’s my book title? It is a combination of several opinions and perspectives. But must importantly, it is what feels true and right for me. The rest is up to Source! And I intend to keep allowing Source to do its magic!

Choose Your Reality,


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Friday, May 18, 2007

ARTICLE: What Do You Put in the Big Cosmic Copy Machine?

The other day, while driving my car, I was mentally complaining to myself about John Q. Inconsiderate who hadn't returned my emails for several weeks. Although I'd had a good business relationship with John Q., I wasn't getting the communication that I needed. This was not the first time that I was mentally complaining. Mild impatience had grown to annoyance which had now escalated to a full-out fabricated fantasy about his professional incompetence. Fortunately, this time I caught myself. "Duh! Sonia, what do you expect?" If you judge his non-communication as "bad" you will create a bad experience!"

The reality is that all events in life are actually neutral. They only become "good" events or "bad" events when we judge them as good or bad. Our thoughts, emotions, and actions together comprise our consciousness. And consciousness creates! Remember, what you put in the big cosmic copy machine, you get back in your experience.

So, what did I do? I immediately stopped complaining and mentally gave John Q. the benefit of the doubt. "Sonia, you've had good experiences with him. You've been happy with his work. He's been professional. He's probably just very busy. He'll write back. Just let it go." And guess what? I got home and there was an email waiting for me with an apology and explanation for his non-communication. I kid you not! That's how this stuff works.

If you want to start creating a different reality than what you're currently experiencing, start paying attention to your consciousness. What you discover can lead you to new possibilities.

Choose Your Reality!


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Wednesday, May 16, 2007

ARTICLE: Challenge Your Wounds

A teacher once told me, "Your greatest wound is your greatest blessing." Boy, did that turn out to be true! And it can be true for you if you choose to use your wounds for growth rather than let them victimize you.

For the sake of simplicity, I define a wound as anything that makes you feel powerless. Wounds are made up of traumas and associated limiting beliefs and fears. We remain victims to our wounds when we do not challenge them and when we are unwilling to believe that things can be different. If, however, you confront your wounds and say, I'm willing to know my wholeness - then you've begun to take your power back.

Recently, one of my recurring wounds reared its lovely head to push me toward more growth. In the span of five days, three different sources invaded my "peace-bubble" with the message: We live in a scary world where children are abducted and molested on a regular basis. You'd better do something about it! In their attempt to help, these people succeeded only in awakening fear and powerlessness within me.

I knew that there was a greater truth based in love and peace, and if I did not access it, I was destined to pass the wound on to my children. Fear had its grip on me and the only thing to do was face it, challenge it, and re-connect with my truth on the subject. So, I owned the fear, contemplated it, talked to my husband about it, and meditated. The fear released and I had reclaimed my power. Sometimes we can transform our wounds on our own. Many times we need help. A good counselor, healer, or teacher can help you reconnect with your wholeness.

If you truly want to activate your infinite creative power, you must be willing to challenge your wounds. Consciousness creates! As we transform fear, dismantle limiting beliefs, and remember higher truth, we expand our consciousness to allow greater good into our lives.

Choose Your Reality!


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Tuesday, May 15, 2007

ARTICLE: Your Wanting Mechanism

I’ve been teaching the internet class, Harness the Power of Metaphysics to Create the Life You Desire, and boy… it has been powerful! Thirty-three participants have embarked on this six week journey and I must tell you that the human spirit never ceases to amaze me. I’m reminded again and again how much courage it takes to go for our dreams. Many of us let life happen to us, unaware of the power we have to design and direct our lives. And yet, taking charge is really quite simple. It all begins with ‘wanting’.

Do you allow yourself to want what you want? Do you know what you want? Did you use to want things, but snuffed out that little flame when disappointment was too much to bear? We all have what I call a wanting mechanism. Wanting is a huge part of what makes us human. Wanting is good. It is your soul calling you forth to remember and express your potential as an infinitely powerful creator.

Yet, some people think wanting is bad. They may think that wanting only causes pain. Or, they have mistakenly confused non-attachment with not wanting - two very different things. It is true that wanting can lead to suffering when your interpretation of wanting is distorted. If you think of wanting as a hunger to be satiated, then yes, you will always be hungry, because your wanting will cause you to focus on lack. If, however, you understand that wanting is an expression of the universal life force, which guides you evermore toward the next highest expression of you, then wanting can be a great source of joy. As you let yourself want, a void will become apparent. But do not fear the void. Go into it and see what appears. If you stay open and listen, you will be guided toward your desires.

If your wanting mechanism has gone dormant, consider waking it up. Yes, it might be scary to stir up your greatest desires, but is it any less scary to imagine completing your life without having truly lived it?

Choose Your Reality!


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