Thursday, June 21, 2007

MUSING: To Bitch or Not To Bitch - That IS the Question...

“What the --!” An explosive "POP" followed by a burning smell compelled me to pull over to the side of the road.

Perfect… just perfect, I groaned mentally. I could feel a victimy complaint list swelling in my mind, barreling down on what had been a zen-like state of consciousness. The desire to plunge into the delicious depths of a self-righteous bitch session (with me, myself, and I) swelled as I got out of my car to investigate.

Nope, no flat tire. But now what? I didn’t feel safe to drive. The last thing I needed was to become a vaporized mist in a pyrotechnic auto event. Probably not a good idea to risk driving.

So, I began going through the requisite motions. Called my hubby, couldn’t reach him. Called AAA. Called my mom. Called the rental car company. Started coordinating the details of my rescue amidst twenty dropped calls due to bad cell phone reception, and fifteen or so friendly Samaritans asking if I was okay.

What a DRAG! This was my first real day-off in a month. Just 60 seconds ago, I was in a wonderfully grateful, peaceful place. Aaaaahhhh, finally everyone’s schedule was set – kids, mine, childcare, summer vacation had started, the sun was finally shining. And BAM! I’m by the side of the road dealing with yet another of life’s inconveniences! This was the cherry on my Sundae of the past month! GRRRRR.

And yet, I’m a self-proclaimed metaphysician. I KNOW that I can’t afford to indulge in a bitch session without risking creating more of the same crap. I know too well how we create our experience and our reality. So, I fought my desire to delve into drama. Took some deep breaths and started my self-talk routine. Sonia, Source is good ALL the time. Be grateful. You’re in a safe place. You have a cell-phone. You have AAA. It could be worse. Your surroundings are beautiful. There’s no place you have to be. The kids are taken care of….”

On and on I tried to focus on the positive. I tried to “get happy.” But I just wasn’t in the mood to be happy. So, I didn’t bitch, but I didn’t get happy either. Then I remembered, Sonia, you don’t have to be happy, just suspend judgment. …BIG SIGH… Okay, that I can do. So, I “practiced pause”. I paused. Took a breath and declared to myself, This is only bad if I call it bad. I am suspending judgment of this situation. It is what it is and it is fine.

The desire to bitch released and I surrendered to the situation. Long story short, two hours later, my car was off to the dealership. The groceries were in my mother’s car along with me, and I was on my way to the rental car company.

The event resolved itself, but more importantly by choosing not to bitch and suspending judgment, some magical things happened. They happened because I knew there was something better than what I would have created by indulging in a go-nowhere bitch session.

Well, to start, after Good Samaritan #12 stopped by, a tearful wave of appreciation swept over me. It really hit me how there is help all around all the time. Stranger after stranger stopped to offer help and care – from the 4-wheelin’ teenagers, to biker dudes in tattoos, to mother and daughter teams, to lone truck men, to single business women. All types, all kinds, all just stopping to help. What a moving reality when you really let it in.

Then at the car rental place, the woman helping me asked, “What was that other business I heard about on your voicemail?” “Oh, that’s Success for the Soul - my private practice. I’m a life coach and counselor.” “Wow!” Her eyes lit up. “I NEED a life coach. Tell me more.” We chatted for a while and she shared that her life was in transition and her eldest son was going to Iraq. She was interested in gaining clarity and guidance for her life.

In less than two hours I had gone from a pain-in-the-neck agitation to an intimate connection with a soul whose child was going to war. Geez! My mere annoyance was certainly worth this sacred moment, wouldn’t you say?

I drove home reflecting on the choice I had had. To bitch or not to bitch, that WAS the question. In a moment when life gave me a situation I really did not care for, I had a choice. We always have a choice. We are always free - not necessarily to change the conditions of life at any given moment, but to choose how we will perceive an event. We are free to choose our attitude. We are free to choose how we will judge an event. And in so doing, we do, indeed, choose our reality.

Choose Your Reality!


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Saturday, June 16, 2007

MUSING: The Law of Attraction and Kids

I’m creating little Law of Attraction monsters… and it is a good thing! My husband, Chris and I have 8 year old boy girl twins and we’ve been teaching them about the Law of Attraction from the time they knew had to throw a tantrum when they didn’t get what they wanted. I’m not saying that our kids threw many tantrums, but I dare any parent to make it through toddler-hood without at least a few of those delightful rites of passage.

Anyhow, today I was blessed with gleeful joy, when I discovered on my coffee table our kids' most recent manifest list. It reads, and I quote:

baby bull dog

1. blak or white or broun
2. baby not gown up
3. pepsyordeth (no idea what that means, but dang it is cute!)
4. playfull
5. outside and inside
6. boy
7. likes water
8. likes cats

It was beyond fun to see them resort to an activity I offered them one day, a while back, when they were frustrated by a “no” response to a toy request. We’ve taught them about visualization (i.e. pretending they already have it), choosing thoughts that make them happy vs. focusing on things that make them mad, and reaching for gratitude when faced with the absence of what they want.

Sometimes they find our philosophies frustrating because there’s no room for them to be victims. And let’s face it, it is easy for kids to feel powerless when grown-ups keep telling them what they can and cannot do. But imagine the power a child can access when you tell them, “No, you can’t always have things your way. You don’t always have control over what life gives you. BUT you have total power over your attitude and how you choose to think about a thing. Keep thinking that you will have what you want and one day you will.”

Well, the other day, my little Law of Attraction boy monster was lobbying, yet again for a cell-phone. He’s only 8 for goodness sake! I said, “Nathaniel, we’ve talked about this a million times. You won’t have one until it is necessary. Keep asking and you’ll have to wait till you’re 18.” “No I won’t.” “Yes, you will,” I retorted. “No, I’ll get one when I want,” he declared with all the confidence and strength I've ever wished for him. Suddenly, my silent-till-then husband chimed in, “Yes, Nathaniel, knowing you, you probably WILL get one when you want.”

Our Law of Attraction kids are respectful, but never submissive. This means more work for us. But I’d rather have kids that can think for themselves, trust themselves, and know their power than ones who make my life easy. Law of Attraction kids make for empowered future adults who create their own reality rather than feel victim to the world around them. Sounds like a promising future to me. What do you think?

Choose Your Reality,


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Wednesday, June 13, 2007

ARTICLE: Dealing with John Q. Inconsiderate

The other day, while driving my car, I was mentally complaining to myself about John Q. Inconsiderate who hadn't returned my emails for several weeks. Although I'd had a good business relationship with John Q., I wasn't getting the communication that I needed. This was not the first time that I was mentally complaining. Mild impatience had grown to annoyance which had now escalated to a full-out fabricated fantasy about his professional incompetence. Fortunately, this time I caught myself. "Duh! Sonia, what do you expect?" If you judge his non-communication as "bad" you will create a bad experience!"

The reality is that all events in life are actually neutral. They only become "good" events or "bad" events when we judge them as good or bad. Our thoughts, emotions, and actions together comprise our consciousness. And consciousness creates! Remember, what you put in the big cosmic copy machine, you get back in your experience.

So, what did I do? I immediately stopped complaining and mentally gave John Q. the benefit of the doubt. "Sonia, you've had good experiences with him. You've been happy with his work. He's been professional. He's probably just very busy. He'll write back. Just let it go." And guess what? I got home and there was an email waiting for me with an apology and explanation for his non-communication. I kid you not! That's how this stuff works.

If you want to start creating a different reality than what you're currently experiencing, start paying attention to your mind-set. What you discover can lead you to new possibilities.

Choose Your Reality!

Sonia Miller

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Thursday, June 7, 2007

ARTICLE: The Willingness Experiment

The Universe is like a giant copy machine. It simply produces an exact match to your vibration (i.e your thoughts and emotions, conscious and unconscious). Even though the Universe is infinite in supply, you will experience in your life only as much as you allow based on what you believe and feel about a subject.

We often shut the door on a generous Universe because we can be unconscious of our vibration. If you'd like to push the door wide open, experiment with a willingness mantra.

Choose something you wish to change in your life and every time you catch yourself talking or thinking in a negative or limiting way about it, say to yourself with sincere intention, "I am WILLING to allow... (fill in the blank)."

If you wish you had more time, "I am WILLING to allow more time into my experience." If you want a relationship and think there are no good men, "I am WILLING to see all the great, available men out there." If you want more money, "I am WILLING to learn how to be prosperous."

Do this with commitment for forty days. Then, pay attention and look for evidence that you are receiving what you desire. If you do this with sincere intention, things will show up in your life. And as they do, say, "Thank you, Universe! I'm willing to allow more!"

Choose Your Reality!


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Friday, June 1, 2007

MUSING: I Had a 10 lb. Metaphysical Baby!

Phew! That was a workout! I've been pregnant with this creative idea for years! Gestating, gestating. And then, "suddenly" it was time. The energetic contractions started and it was time to push!

For the last two months I've been in what has felt like a creative worm-hole, traveling at light speed, letting all manner of inspiration and nuts and bolts action move through me to create The Law of Attraction Tele-Coaching Program. This is my baby! And today, poof! It was born. I finally put on the last of the finishing touches and sent out the official announcement.

I couldn't be more thrilled. If you've read the "About Me" section of my blog, you'll know that I'm just a *little* bit of a zealot when it comes to the Law of Attraction. I don't care what the skeptics say. My life is living proof that it works. And it can either work for you or against you. It is just a matter of whether you want to wake up and accept that you create your experience or not.

Believe me, I know how black and white this sounds. And, on one level, it IS that black and white. Yet, on other levels there are so many subtle nuances that make all the difference as to whether or not you can get the Law of Attraction to work in your life. I KNOW about these subtle nuances. I've spent 20 years studying them.

Over the years I've questioned, tested, challenged and even rejected the idea that I create my reality - many times over. And yet, each time life brought me adversity, somehow I kept returning to the idea that I was powerful and not a victim of circumstance or fate. After enough challenge, study and exploration, I was finally able to reconcile the seeming contradictions. I finally understood how it all worked. And now, I live my life this way. I feel soooo blessed. Not just for the "things" that I have, but much more for the peace, the serenity, and the love that fills my heart. For years I felt trapped in a prison, and I now I'm free!

I want nothing more than to help others know this kind of freedom. Life is too sweet to not eat it up!

Anyhoo, now that my baby is born, I get to play with it. I look forward to seeing what Source sends my way!

Choose Your Reality!


To learn more about The Law of Attraction Tele-Coaching Program go to:$Coach.html

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ADVICE: Taming Terrorism

Q: So far I understand everything you've been writing about. I get that we create our own reality through our thoughts and emotions, courtesy of the Law of Attraction. However, I don't get how I'm supposed to think and feel positively about my life and my world when we're surrounded by threats of terrorism every day. Help!

A: When the fear of terrorism controls your sense of well-being then the one you need to protect against is your inner-terrorist, not some stranger out in the big world.

Your inner-terrorist is the part of you that focuses on terrorism. You may seek comfort by becoming informed via TV or newspapers, only to find no end to the evidence that you should be very afraid. The media presents just one very distorted and biased perspective on the world. Yet, there exists exponentially more well-being than the media would have you believe. People live productive lives, walk around in healthy bodies, safely travel on airplanes, and experience love and kindness every day, all the time! Your inner-terrorist, however, chooses to focuses instead on suffering and fear.

Dealing with "bad-ness" requires a complete and profound paradigm shift. Our culture bombards us with the philosophy that our only defense is resistance and control. We fight against perceived evil and attempt to make others conform to our way of life. However, since like attracts like, our resistance becomes a form of attention which only serves to energize the very things we don't want. We change the world by being contagious not combative. The positive energy you activate in our own life ripples out to others.

To create a more harmonious world, begin with your own world. Stop watching and reading bad news. And turn your attention to the good in your life. The solution lies in redirecting your focus rather than resisting what you oppose. I'm not saying this is easy, but I am saying you have a choice. You can spend your energy coping with consuming fear, or creatively looking for evidence that well-being abounds.

Choose Your Reality!


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