Thursday, June 7, 2007

ARTICLE: The Willingness Experiment

The Universe is like a giant copy machine. It simply produces an exact match to your vibration (i.e your thoughts and emotions, conscious and unconscious). Even though the Universe is infinite in supply, you will experience in your life only as much as you allow based on what you believe and feel about a subject.

We often shut the door on a generous Universe because we can be unconscious of our vibration. If you'd like to push the door wide open, experiment with a willingness mantra.

Choose something you wish to change in your life and every time you catch yourself talking or thinking in a negative or limiting way about it, say to yourself with sincere intention, "I am WILLING to allow... (fill in the blank)."

If you wish you had more time, "I am WILLING to allow more time into my experience." If you want a relationship and think there are no good men, "I am WILLING to see all the great, available men out there." If you want more money, "I am WILLING to learn how to be prosperous."

Do this with commitment for forty days. Then, pay attention and look for evidence that you are receiving what you desire. If you do this with sincere intention, things will show up in your life. And as they do, say, "Thank you, Universe! I'm willing to allow more!"

Choose Your Reality!


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