Saturday, June 16, 2007

MUSING: The Law of Attraction and Kids

I’m creating little Law of Attraction monsters… and it is a good thing! My husband, Chris and I have 8 year old boy girl twins and we’ve been teaching them about the Law of Attraction from the time they knew had to throw a tantrum when they didn’t get what they wanted. I’m not saying that our kids threw many tantrums, but I dare any parent to make it through toddler-hood without at least a few of those delightful rites of passage.

Anyhow, today I was blessed with gleeful joy, when I discovered on my coffee table our kids' most recent manifest list. It reads, and I quote:

baby bull dog

1. blak or white or broun
2. baby not gown up
3. pepsyordeth (no idea what that means, but dang it is cute!)
4. playfull
5. outside and inside
6. boy
7. likes water
8. likes cats

It was beyond fun to see them resort to an activity I offered them one day, a while back, when they were frustrated by a “no” response to a toy request. We’ve taught them about visualization (i.e. pretending they already have it), choosing thoughts that make them happy vs. focusing on things that make them mad, and reaching for gratitude when faced with the absence of what they want.

Sometimes they find our philosophies frustrating because there’s no room for them to be victims. And let’s face it, it is easy for kids to feel powerless when grown-ups keep telling them what they can and cannot do. But imagine the power a child can access when you tell them, “No, you can’t always have things your way. You don’t always have control over what life gives you. BUT you have total power over your attitude and how you choose to think about a thing. Keep thinking that you will have what you want and one day you will.”

Well, the other day, my little Law of Attraction boy monster was lobbying, yet again for a cell-phone. He’s only 8 for goodness sake! I said, “Nathaniel, we’ve talked about this a million times. You won’t have one until it is necessary. Keep asking and you’ll have to wait till you’re 18.” “No I won’t.” “Yes, you will,” I retorted. “No, I’ll get one when I want,” he declared with all the confidence and strength I've ever wished for him. Suddenly, my silent-till-then husband chimed in, “Yes, Nathaniel, knowing you, you probably WILL get one when you want.”

Our Law of Attraction kids are respectful, but never submissive. This means more work for us. But I’d rather have kids that can think for themselves, trust themselves, and know their power than ones who make my life easy. Law of Attraction kids make for empowered future adults who create their own reality rather than feel victim to the world around them. Sounds like a promising future to me. What do you think?

Choose Your Reality,


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1 comment:

Joseph Thia said...

Wow.. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving behind some very useful advice!


