Friday, June 1, 2007

MUSING: I Had a 10 lb. Metaphysical Baby!

Phew! That was a workout! I've been pregnant with this creative idea for years! Gestating, gestating. And then, "suddenly" it was time. The energetic contractions started and it was time to push!

For the last two months I've been in what has felt like a creative worm-hole, traveling at light speed, letting all manner of inspiration and nuts and bolts action move through me to create The Law of Attraction Tele-Coaching Program. This is my baby! And today, poof! It was born. I finally put on the last of the finishing touches and sent out the official announcement.

I couldn't be more thrilled. If you've read the "About Me" section of my blog, you'll know that I'm just a *little* bit of a zealot when it comes to the Law of Attraction. I don't care what the skeptics say. My life is living proof that it works. And it can either work for you or against you. It is just a matter of whether you want to wake up and accept that you create your experience or not.

Believe me, I know how black and white this sounds. And, on one level, it IS that black and white. Yet, on other levels there are so many subtle nuances that make all the difference as to whether or not you can get the Law of Attraction to work in your life. I KNOW about these subtle nuances. I've spent 20 years studying them.

Over the years I've questioned, tested, challenged and even rejected the idea that I create my reality - many times over. And yet, each time life brought me adversity, somehow I kept returning to the idea that I was powerful and not a victim of circumstance or fate. After enough challenge, study and exploration, I was finally able to reconcile the seeming contradictions. I finally understood how it all worked. And now, I live my life this way. I feel soooo blessed. Not just for the "things" that I have, but much more for the peace, the serenity, and the love that fills my heart. For years I felt trapped in a prison, and I now I'm free!

I want nothing more than to help others know this kind of freedom. Life is too sweet to not eat it up!

Anyhoo, now that my baby is born, I get to play with it. I look forward to seeing what Source sends my way!

Choose Your Reality!


To learn more about The Law of Attraction Tele-Coaching Program go to:$Coach.html

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