Tuesday, May 15, 2007

ARTICLE: Your Wanting Mechanism

I’ve been teaching the internet class, Harness the Power of Metaphysics to Create the Life You Desire, and boy… it has been powerful! Thirty-three participants have embarked on this six week journey and I must tell you that the human spirit never ceases to amaze me. I’m reminded again and again how much courage it takes to go for our dreams. Many of us let life happen to us, unaware of the power we have to design and direct our lives. And yet, taking charge is really quite simple. It all begins with ‘wanting’.

Do you allow yourself to want what you want? Do you know what you want? Did you use to want things, but snuffed out that little flame when disappointment was too much to bear? We all have what I call a wanting mechanism. Wanting is a huge part of what makes us human. Wanting is good. It is your soul calling you forth to remember and express your potential as an infinitely powerful creator.

Yet, some people think wanting is bad. They may think that wanting only causes pain. Or, they have mistakenly confused non-attachment with not wanting - two very different things. It is true that wanting can lead to suffering when your interpretation of wanting is distorted. If you think of wanting as a hunger to be satiated, then yes, you will always be hungry, because your wanting will cause you to focus on lack. If, however, you understand that wanting is an expression of the universal life force, which guides you evermore toward the next highest expression of you, then wanting can be a great source of joy. As you let yourself want, a void will become apparent. But do not fear the void. Go into it and see what appears. If you stay open and listen, you will be guided toward your desires.

If your wanting mechanism has gone dormant, consider waking it up. Yes, it might be scary to stir up your greatest desires, but is it any less scary to imagine completing your life without having truly lived it?

Choose Your Reality!


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