Wednesday, May 16, 2007

ARTICLE: Challenge Your Wounds

A teacher once told me, "Your greatest wound is your greatest blessing." Boy, did that turn out to be true! And it can be true for you if you choose to use your wounds for growth rather than let them victimize you.

For the sake of simplicity, I define a wound as anything that makes you feel powerless. Wounds are made up of traumas and associated limiting beliefs and fears. We remain victims to our wounds when we do not challenge them and when we are unwilling to believe that things can be different. If, however, you confront your wounds and say, I'm willing to know my wholeness - then you've begun to take your power back.

Recently, one of my recurring wounds reared its lovely head to push me toward more growth. In the span of five days, three different sources invaded my "peace-bubble" with the message: We live in a scary world where children are abducted and molested on a regular basis. You'd better do something about it! In their attempt to help, these people succeeded only in awakening fear and powerlessness within me.

I knew that there was a greater truth based in love and peace, and if I did not access it, I was destined to pass the wound on to my children. Fear had its grip on me and the only thing to do was face it, challenge it, and re-connect with my truth on the subject. So, I owned the fear, contemplated it, talked to my husband about it, and meditated. The fear released and I had reclaimed my power. Sometimes we can transform our wounds on our own. Many times we need help. A good counselor, healer, or teacher can help you reconnect with your wholeness.

If you truly want to activate your infinite creative power, you must be willing to challenge your wounds. Consciousness creates! As we transform fear, dismantle limiting beliefs, and remember higher truth, we expand our consciousness to allow greater good into our lives.

Choose Your Reality!


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