Saturday, November 10, 2007
MUSING: Alexandria Brown and the Law of Attraction
For many years now my dream has been to reach a larger audience. Of that I was clear. BUT, part of what held me back was the limiting belief that reaching an larger audience meant sacrificing family time to a degree that was simply not acceptable to me.
As I prepared to publish my soon-be-released book, I kept hearing about all the travel that I'd have to do to promote my book. Sorry, not an option. I have two small children and I want to be home for them.
Well, when I finally owned that I wanted to successfully and prosperously reach a larger audience AND be home for my children, all resistance fell away. THAT was my dream - not one or the other. And when I owned the WHAT and the WHY of my dream, the Universe sent me the HOW. The Law of Attraction begins with intention and once I got clear, with all of my attention on what I wanted (vs. what I did not want), the magic began to unfold.
They say that when the student is ready the teacher appears. Well, this time she came in the form of a beautiful, authentic, powerful, fun and gracious marketing guru known as Alexandria Brown.
After a year's worth of reading and implementing nuggets of marketing wisdom from her free newsletters and teleseminars it became clear that I needed to attend her Online Success Blueprint Workshop. I've never spent $3000 on myself before. But the Universe sent me a clear and strong nudge. I surrendered and trusted. And I'm so glad I did.
At this moment I'm writing from my hotel room after 3 power days of' 'aha' moments and simple yet potent marketing tools. I'm going home with a clear plan of how I'm going to reach my larger audience in 2008. My first information product is launching before year-end. My first book is finally coming out in early 2008 and my second information product will be out by the end of 2008.
I can't wait to share them all with you! I'm choosing MY reality. Are you?
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Thursday, November 8, 2007
ARTICLE: When the Law of Attraction ISN’T Working: How to Break Free of Self-Sabotage
You’ve probably heard people say, “The Universe abhors a vacuum.” Well, I’ve come to know that the Universe actually loves a vacuum. This is because the Universe is about expansion and the vacuum gives the Universe a place to expand into.
This is good news for you because every time you let yourself dream for a better life, you are expanding. And every time you expand, a vacuum is created. The vacuum is indeed necessary. Just like the crab that sheds its shell many times throughout its life in order to create a larger shell for its growing body, we must let go of the smaller version of ourselves over and again in order to grow. Did you know that once the crab releases its shell, he inflates his body with water to become bigger than he really is so that the new shell will form large enough for him to grow into? We do the same thing when harnessing the power of the Law of Attraction. We reach for our dreams, something bigger than we are at the time. We take inspired action. And we think and feel as if we were already that version of ourselves. In so doing, we must let go of the former version, becoming vulnerable until our new reality manifests; like the crab who seeks shelter until his new shell forms.
Let Go and Welcome the Vacuum
This vacuum is a predictable, albeit uncomfortable part of the manifestation process. When you understand that it is a necessary part of growth, and utilize the tools that can make the discomfort tolerable, you can move steadily toward your dream. When however, you fear the vacuum and misinterpret it as a “bad” thing, you are in danger of losing your dream to self-sabotage.
For example, let’s say you dream of a successful relationship. Yet, no matter what you do, it eludes you. You’ve come to realize that you keep experiencing the same bad relationship over and again, but with different people. In order to let yourself have a better relationship, you will have to let go of something you’re attached to. Perhaps you’re terrified of being alone. You must let go of the belief that any relationship is better than no relationship. You must be willing to be alone (i.e. experience the vacuum), in order to let a better relationship in.
Maybe you want to experience financial prosperity. The Universe sends you leads in the form of opportunities and ideas. You’re inspired and know exactly what you need to do. You understand that you’ll have to risk, believe that you’ll be okay no matter what, and walk in faith until the results appear. In order to do this, you must let go of the illusion that your security comes from your savings account or a steady paycheck. You must expand your definition of security.
Sometimes the vacuum looks like one giant “I don’t know.” Possibly you’ve struggled with your weight all your life, or battled a certain family member for years, or been plagued by low self-esteem as long as you can remember. Regardless of the strategies you’ve tried, you keep hitting the same brick wall. One day, you throw your hands up and declare, “I just don’t know what to do!” This is good! This is the vacuum. You’ve let go of the idea that you should know how to handle your challenge.
What to Do With the Vacuum
So what do you do with the vacuum?
1) You allow it with non-resistance,
2) You do whatever you have to do to soothe your fears, doubts and insecurities, and
3) You stay focused on where you are going.
You must accept the vacuum and trust that it is a good thing. It may feel anything but good. You may feel lost. You may feel fear. You may even feel like a part of you is dying. All of that is normal and okay. Throughout life we go through numerous mini deaths and rebirths. This is the natural cycle of life.
The truth is that you will not die or drown in the void. However, this is exactly what many of us fear. In actuality, you will be okay if you simply float around in the void for a while. This feeling of nothingness is the vacuum. And remember, the Universe loves a vacuum. If you’re patient and trust, the Universe will give you something. And if you don’t fill it with the old way of being, the Universe will provide a new and better way. The key is to let the Universe provide!
How to Navigate the Vacuum
In times of vulnerability you have a choice. You can either reach for the old familiar way of being or you can reach for something new, positive and productive. The old way leads to self-sabotage. You will simply go back to what you know and repeat your pattern once again. When, however, you intentionally reach for something new, you will stay on course to your dream:
-Seek out like-minded people or support groups.
-Stay inspired with a constant stream of books or audios.
-Take classes to keep you growing.
-Find a coach, counselor, teacher or healer to help you stay on track.
In other words, do whatever it takes to feed your faith until the new you emerges.
And I’ll tell you this: It will often feel like the new reality isn’t coming fast enough. In addition to befriending the vacuum, you must let go of control. You have to live with the vacuum for however long it takes. Use the vacuum period to become the person in your dream. If you’ve been living with the financial vacuum caused by building your dream business and the debt is getting scary, don’t let fear cause the old you to focus on debt. Instead reach for that which will allow you to BE the new you. I assure you, Donald Trump deals with astronomical amounts of debt, but he never focuses on it. He focuses on what he is building with total faith and confidence.
If you’re fed up with being alone and are starting to think you will never have the relationship of your dreams, use the vacuum period to fall in love with yourself and your life. Become a person who is in love. Refrain from filling the void with any old toad. By allowing the vacuum to exist, the Universe will send you a better version of you-in-love (i.e. Prince or Princess Charming).
You may or may not be able to love the vacuum the way the Universe does. But if you can accept it, and work with it as a natural part of the manifestation process, you will have mastered a common form of metaphysical self-sabotage and opened the floodgates for the Law of Attraction to bless your life!
Choose Your Reality!
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Sunday, October 7, 2007
MUSING: Tapping and the Law of Attraction - Paradox?
As any long-time student of the Law of Attraction knows, you're supposed to put your attention on what you want, NOT what you don't want. And yet, EFT (a.k.a. tapping) always has you create a set-up statement that identifies the problem. AND we're supposed to tap, while repeating the problem. Now it is important to note that the set-up statement is supposed to be created in such a way that the problem is ALWAYS balanced out with a positive affirmation.
For a while I had trouble reconciling my law of attraction studies with the EFT modality, where one deliberate puts attention on what they don't want in order to clear its energy.
I'm certainly not an expert on EFT, but for now, I've reconciled this seeming paradox in the following way: We draw into our lives the physical equivalent of our VIBRATION. For this reason, affirmation don't always work. If our vibration is not in alignment with our words, the affirmation is useless (for more information on creating affirmations that REALLY work keep an eye out for my soon-to-be-released home study program: How to Get Results with the Law of Attraction TM).
When we create our set up statement our intention and our vibration is in alignment with healing. And so, our consciousness is in alignment with the benefit of tapping on the appropriate meridians.
I've order all the EFT training cds, but haven't had a chance to watch them all yet. Anyone who has wisdom to offer on the subject, please do!
What I can say is that tapping works for many. I'm still experimenting with it. Sometimes it seems to work in profound ways, other times not. For this reason, I've long been a fan of the deeper origin work that I've studies and use in my practice. Modalities like: Dynamic Energetic Healing, the Yuen Method, and Resonance Repatterning to name a few.
The journey continues.
Choose Your Reality!
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ARTICLE: How to REALLY Dismantle the Limiting Beliefs That Keep Your Life Small
Any of these sound familiar? If you haven’t guessed yet, these are but a few of the limiting beliefs that plague us as human beings. Unrecognized and unchallenged, they define our very life. They become our truth. They become our reality. We inherit beliefs from our parents. We develop beliefs from our experiences. We absorb beliefs from our environments. We are infected by beliefs through our media. Although these beliefs are not necessarily truths, we live our lives as if they were. And whatever is true for you, IS TRUE (for you) because your consciousness creates your reality.
The idea that one must break through limiting beliefs in order to allow greater possibilities is well known among those who pursue personal growth. However, real success in accomplishing this feat still eludes many. This is because true change requires a blend of knowing what to do as well as knowing how to go about it. What follows are the keys to successfully dismantling limiting beliefs so as to open your life to infinite possibilities!
Meet Your Inner Witness
The first step is awareness. In order to start recognizing the beliefs that limit you, you must begin using a very powerful part of your consciousness known as your inner witness. Imagine that there are two parts of you: the you that lives your life and the you that observes you living your life. The observer part of you stands outside of you and notices what you’re doing, how you’re feeling, and what you’re thinking. It will inform you of your limiting beliefs. So, what does the witness look for? A good place to start is to have your inner witness watch for two clues: cause-and-effect-thinking and judgment.
Erroneous Cause-and-Effect-Thinking
Cause-and-effect-thinking will sound like this in your mind: In order to be more prosperous, I must get a better job. In order to have a relationship, I must lose weight. In order to feel freedom, I must get this person out of my life. Whenever we think we know how something should unfold in order to achieve a result, we may be caught in a limiting belief. It all depends on whether you live life from the limited personality level or from the broader soul perspective. The personality level sees the world only through the five human senses. The soul perspective understands that the Universe can provide in ways we may have never imagined.
Good/Bad Judgments
To judge something is to name it. As soon as we observe something and give it a name, we have judged it. And because we are infinitely powerful creators, the way we judge something is the way we will experience it. When we call something good, we will experience it as good. When we call something bad we experience it as bad. When your inner witness catches you judging something as good or bad, explore the judgment to see if there is a limiting belief there.
Transforming Your Limiting Beliefs
Once you begin to recognize your limiting beliefs, then you can begin to transform them by practicing any number of belief-altering techniques. However, it takes more than technique to transform your beliefs. To successfully expand your consciousness you must embrace the growth opportunity as a discipline. If you think that you can break through deeply ingrained beliefs, societal paradigms or long-practiced bad habits by sporadically dabbling in self-actualization exercises, you’ll be disappointed. A long-term commitment that incorporates daily practice is the only thing that will steadily guide and direct your awareness toward greater possibility. The following guidelines will help you set yourself up for success.
Cultivate the Right Attitude
Maintaining an open mind and an attitude of willingness is essential to releasing limiting beliefs. If you find yourself succumbing to the voices of impossibility, doubt and skepticism, that’s a sign that your mind is closing and your limited perspective is winning. A good vaccine that wards off the mind-closing virus is to keep asking yourself, “what if...?” What if there was a way to do what I love without a college degree? What if there was a woman out there who could love me exactly as I am? What if there was a way for me to change careers without causing my family financial hardship? When you ask questions of possibility, the Universe answers.
Fill Your Bag of Tricks
In addition to nurturing open-mindedness and willingness, an experimental mind-set is most productive. When it comes to transforming limiting beliefs there are many tools and techniques that work. However, what works for one person, might not work for another. And what works for you one day, might not work for you another day. So, the best approach is to fill your bag of tricks. Affirmations, coaching, mentoring, 'acting as if', prayer, meditation, energy healing, journal writing, study, contemplation, visualization, and counseling are among the plethora of belief-altering methods available. With discipline as your foundation and the willingness to experiment, you will find the tools that will work for you over the long-haul journey of expanding your consciousness.
Accept the Fact That Self-Sabotage Happens
Left to our own devices, many of us will default to our old ways. It’s natural. It’s to be expected. So, rather than letting this natural human tendency defeat you, understand it. Accept it. And put in place the safety net that will catch you when you fall. If you know that your motivation tends to fizzle into nothingness, or that it doesn’t take much for your mind to plummet toward scarcity and negativity, make a commitment that will keep you accountable, forward moving and exposed to new information. Sign up for a class. Pay for six months of coaching in advance. Create or find a support group. Volunteer or find employment where you’ll work closely with people who exemplify the expansion you desire.
Dismantling the limiting beliefs that keep your life small is not only possible, but with the right mind-set and life structure in place, it is inevitable. And, as many a self-help guru has taught, you will discover that when you change your mind, you do indeed change your life.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
ARTICLE: How to Transform Your Relationships with the Law of Attraction
Utter miracles are possible in relationships. As a life coach and counselor, I've seen many relationships resuscitated from near death. Yet, the most common mistake that I see over and again in relationships is that people get stuck in the notion that theother person needs to change.
Certainly, sometimes the only way you can experience improvement is to release the relationship all together to allow a more fulfilling one into your life. Yet, there is a lot you can do to activate transformation. Your power, however, lies in exploring how you might need to change versus the other person.
Where Your Attention Goes, the Energy Flows
The Law of Attraction teaches us: where your attention goes, the energy flows. Metaphysics and quantum physics tell us that the consciousness of the observer directly influences the observed. In other words if you look for the positive, you'll find the positive. If you look for the negative, you'll find the negative. Oh… but bemoaning our fate, gossiping and making the other person wrong is so juicy, isn't it? Let's face it. There's great benefit to complaining and criticizing another. We get to be right. Our egos just love that! We get to be comfortable because we don't need to challenge ourselves or change. And we get to shirk responsibility. Who wants another thing to be responsible for?!But alas, despite all the goodies that come with pointing the finger, there comes a time when you have to ask yourself, "How's this working for me?" Yes, you may be right. Every last thing on your laundry list of resentments may indeed be accurate and even justified. But at some point you have to decide whether you'd rather have a relationship with a human being or your resentments. Resentments are like poison. They will eat you alive. If, however, you're willing to take responsibility for your unhappy relationships you'll find that it is not only possible to release the resentments, but you will discover a new level of fulfillment in your relationship with yourself and others.
Recognize and Redirect
Where does one begin on this journey of relationship transformation? You must first make a commitment to clean up your end of the negative dynamic. This means that you must take responsibility for your attitude and thoughts. The only way that change is truly possible is to embrace this as a discipline. According to the Law of Attraction, like attracts like. This means that what we experience in our external world is a direct reflection of our internal consciousness. When we choose different thoughts, emotions and actions, our relationships will reflect the new consciousness. I call this mental practice Recognize and Redirect. Here's how it works:Each time you notice that your attention is on what you do not want with a person, pause, recognize that you are defaulting to the negative, and redirect your thoughts toward anything even the slightest bit positive. This practice is quite simple and the results can be dramatic. If you do this for 40 days with commitment, you will experience change. Although you can not control what the change will look like, it will be positive. Either you will begin to experience the other person in a better light, or you will gain insights that will guide you to a more productive relationship experience.Now then, you may say, How am I supposed to find something positive about this person? He is impossible! She'll never change! First of all, if you want to find something positive you will. You must be willing to let go of your righteous position. Secondly, it is important to note that you don't have to find something positive about the person, you need only redirect your consciousness to anything positive. Here are a few ways to do this:
-Practice Your Willingness Mantra – Willingness is nothing less than the magic wand of metaphysics. The great thing about willingness is that you don't have to know how to change something. You only need to know that you want it to be different. Let's say you regularly feel contempt for a co-worker. Next time you recognize this, say to yourself, I am willing to feel good around Joe no matter what. If in mid-conversation you recognize that once again you are struggling with your teenager, pause, and say to yourself, I am willing to experience ease and harmony. Next time you engage in that familiar head-butting dance with your father, pause and say to yourself, I am willing to have a break-through! Don't worry about coming up with just the right words, because it is your intention, not the words, that magnetizes a new experience. The universe knows just what to do.
- Look for the Best in the Person - Take some time when you are alone to make a list of positive characteristics about the other person. Sometimes it helps to remove yourself from the equation. Look at how that person operates in the world outside of your relationship, how other people see him, what good she does do and how she does contribute. Try giving this person the benefit of the doubt. What positive reason might motivate this person's actions and choices? Once you've got your list, it will be easier to redirect your consciousness when you really need to.
- Examine Your Expectations – Expectations can be an insidious and damaging culprit in relationships. We all have them. We expect the other person to do all sorts of things for us. Have you been expecting your boyfriend to read your mind, your mother to express love to you in a certain way, your husband to help more with the kids, your co-worker to trust you rather than compete with you? Once you are more aware of your expectations, consider letting all of them go -- even if only for forty days. Consider the possibility that the other person is not responsible for any of those expectations -that instead it is your responsibility to meet your own needs. Without the burden of expectation, it is much easier to redirect your consciousness to the positive.Being self-responsible is fundamental to successful relationships. It may not be easy, but it is productive. Although there is much over which we have no power, we do have power over our perspective. There is nothing more powerful than taking charge of how you relate to things, whether it be your car breaking down, your significant other, or socio-political events of the world. The fact is, as Wayne Dyer puts it, "When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."
Choose Your Reality!
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Sunday, September 9, 2007
EXPERIMENT: 6 Pounds and Still Tapping
I've discovered that as I keep tapping, new insights, new levels of awareness about the underlying emotions and thoughts surface. As they do, I tap on those.
For example, even though it should have been obvious to me, the other day it "dawned" on me that I eat at night to relax. I knew that, but it never occurred to tap on that. So, I did...
Even though I use food to relax, I deeply and completely accept myself.
Even though I use food to relax, I'm ready to feel calm and relaxed without food.
Even though I use food to relax, I choose to feel calm and confident.
That night I found that I didn't feel the urge to eat to unwind.
I've also been tapping on things other than food and body issues and experience a significant decrease in intensity. Just simple things that can cause stress come way down.
More to follow.
Choose Your Reality,
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Monday, September 3, 2007
EXPERIMENT - 1 Month of Tapping - Results and Insights
-I've lost about 5 pounds and the only thing that has really changed is that my night-time eating has greatly reduced. Other than that I eat 3 sensible meals a day. If I'm hungry in the afternoon, I'll have some fruit.
-I have gone through periods of no tapping. My eating behavior would remain unchanged for a while and then I'd have a "relapse" where I was relying on willpower and feeling urges to eat at night when not hungry. When this happened, I went back to tapping first thing in the morning and before dinner.
-With the compulsive behavior more at bay, new insights into the emotional energy beneath them have revealed themselves: sadness, loneliness, some fear. The neat thing is that with the behavior at bay, my other self-nurturing tools have pushed to the surface. I'm meditating more, walking more, and reconnecting with my love of music more.
-As limiting thoughts and emotions come up, I tap on them.
-Even though I hate dieting I completely and deeply accept myself
-Even though the weightloss is too slow, I deeply and completely...
-Even though I'm afraid I'll lose control when my regular routine is disrupted, I'm ready to be calm, confident and grounded in my commitment to health and well-being.
The kids go back to school this week and I'm really looking forward to getting back into my early morning walking routine.
My food/body goal is:
To 100% heal the last vestige of emotional eating and experience long-term and permanent weightloss (about 10-15 lbs.), so that I reach my healthy optimum goal weight in a natural and joyful way!
Choose Your Reality!
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Sunday, August 12, 2007
EXPERIMENT: Day 8 of Tapping - Profound Results!
I've been tapping first thing in the morning for the day ahead, right before dinner as "preventive medicine" for potential eating triggers, and as needed for cravings (maybe only 3 times in 8 days).
The following statements capture the emotions, thoughts, and beliefs that have been my areas of struggle:
Even though I'm afraid I'll lose control with night time eating, I deeply and completely accept myself.
Even though I think I can't go out to eat and still lose weight, I deeply...
Even though the thought of giving up sugary treats feels like a loss to me...
Even though I think I can't ENJOY my meals and lose weight, I deeply...
Even though I think that successful and permanent weight loss means that I will lose the pleasure and fun of food, I deeply...
Even though I don't trust myself to do what it takes to lose weight and maintain it, I deeply...
Even though I'm afraid I'll sabotage my progress, I deeply...
Even though I don't trust myself to LET myself have the body I want, I deeply...
Well, amazing things have happened. Night time has been a completely different experience. I have had a reasonable after dinner treat each night (at home and at a restaurant) and then felt COMPLETE. No urge to keep eating, no willpower, no struggle. Oh yes! My mind has been watching and asking, "Can this be real? Am I willing myself not to eat?" But the reality is that I've felt calm. I've understood that I could eat if I wanted to, but have felt no need."
Additionally, I've been going to sleep earlier. In the past my night time ritual was eat dinner, then munch in front of the t.v. and there was always the feeling of "this is my time to escape, this my "me" time." It was as if I'd go into hiding at night.
At about day 4 I realized that first my behavior was changing, but on day 4 when I felt no need to eat at night and went to bed tired and looking forward to a real night's sleep, I lay awake in bed and several waves of emotions and thoughts came upon me. I tapped on each layer as it revealed itself.
1st layer: I'm working too much. I'm not spending quality time with my kids. I'm not appreciating the time I have with them. I don't know how to cherish the moments. Tapped. Released. Then..
2nd layer: I'm sad. I feel lonely. Why? Tapped on sad and lonely. Realized that these feelings had always fueled my binge/purge episodes in the days of my active bulimic behavior. I further realized that in later years, I had dismissed that this could still be present because, "how could I be sad and lonely? I have a beautiful, loving family, friends, and community. There's no way I could be sad and lonely." But the truth was that I have been, even if it felt completely irrational.
Drawing on other healing modalities to identify the origin, I connected with the knowledge that one can be sad and lonely regardless of the conditions in their lives AND that I've been carrying the experience of "sad and lonely little girl" since I was eight. Tapped. Released. Finally fell asleep.
The next day I woke up feeling light and peaceful. Really looking forward to spending quality time with my kids. Had a great day wtih them. And the slightly obsessive energy that I normally felt around my work had calmed down. I still LOVE what I do, but the energy feels like a clean passion without the "obsessive" quality.
I had many more aha's but I'll stop here for now. The most amazing thing here is the result I'm experiencing in my relationship with food. Eating healthfully, feeling like I am in CHOICE, rather than reactivity, no addictive feelings, no cravings. And I'm already feeling more comfortable and lighter in my clothes.
Time to check out Carol Look's Program and see where that takes me!
Choose Your Reality!
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Tuesday, August 7, 2007
EXPERIMENT: Tapping for Emotional Eating
I ordered Carol Look's "Key to Successful Weightloss - How to Conquer Emotional Eating" and the package should be arriving any day now. This particular program is supposed to be idiot-proofed because it provides an extensive array of statements on which to tap - all related to the emotional and mental issues associated with compulsive eating, food addictions, cravings, etc.
Being an energy healer, I have a solid knowledge of EFT and so I've been tapping the last few days even without the "official program" to guide me. Energy healing has been a big part of my healing process thus far with food and body issues. And yet, I've never used EFT exclusively. My goal with this experiment is to let go of every notion I have about how I'm "supposed" to lose weight, let go of diets, let go of exercise plans, let go of all of my cause and effect thinking of the past and tap my little heart out on every limiting belief and emotional charge I can uncover.
At the height of my bulimic symptoms and compulsive eating, I was a person obsessed. This was back in the 80's. It was really quite sad, actually. From the moment I would awake, to the moment I went to bed, I would think about what I would eat, how much I'd eat, and when I would eat. It was my own secret hell. I'd make plans and promises, charts and graphs, I might keep it together for a while, but I would ultimately lose all control in a a big, shame-filled binge, all alone, at night, in front of the t.v. in hiding. My preferred method of purging was the abuse of laxatives. The next morning I would awake bloated and filled with self-loathing. Anyone who doesn't think food is a drug, should try being a bulimic for a while. Thank God that is all behind me!!! Really, THANK GOD! Wow, I haven't talked about this stuff in a looong time.
Anyway, the reason I bring it up today is that in beginning the procees of tapping and letting go of all preconceived notions about how and what I should do to lose these residual yo-yo 10+ pounds, I've really become aware of the last remaining vestiges of this addictive type of energy. My greatest challenge these days occurs for me at night with sugar.
What I've noticed is that although I can move through my day very neutral about food and body - eating sensible meals, making healthy choices easily, enjoying healthy food - when it comes to night time, a mysterious monster that lurks in my unconscious during the day takes over.
My usual ritual is to eat dinner, usually in front of the t.v. with my family. (Yes, I'm not proud to admit this. I wish I were one of those women who proudly created sit-down dinners for my family every night, but that's for another conversation...) We eat. We finish. And then "that thing" takes over. I must have my treats. I've gotten to the point that they are as healthy as possible - like no-sugar-added popsicles, sugar free popsicles or fruit. But I can get up anywhere from 4-8 times each night in search of something else to munch on. Having a full stomach has NOTHING to do with the decision making process. Finding a sense of fullness and satisfaction escapes me. And so, I've been tapping, tapping, tapping on this. I've tapped on statements like:
Even though I have to have night time treats, I absolutely love and accept myself.
Even though I can't imagine letting go of night time eating, I abolutely...
Even though just the thought of letting go of my treats makes me feel sad and empty, I asolutely..
Even though I'm addicted to sugar, I absolutely...
Even though I'm starved for something, but don't know what it is, I absolutely...
Even though I don't know how to do this, I absolutely...
Even though something takes over me and I don't know what it is, I absolutely....
Well, 3 out of the last 4 nights, the addiction energy has definitely felt lighter. Last nite I had to tap a lot, but this night, I tapped even before dinner, and I felt a noticeable diminishment in intensity.
I've also tapped regarding my inertia around physical activity and feeling unmotivated. I enjoyed some fun effortless walks and bike-rides in the last few days without making a big deal about it.
I've also tapped quite a bit on places I feel resistant around having the body I envision, letting myself, feeling like I'm not supposed to, recalling and tapping on memories from 8th grade where I compared myself to other girls and felt less than.
So, that's where I'm at for today. I look forward to getting started with Carol Look's Program.
More to follow.
Choose Your Reality!
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Sunday, August 5, 2007
EXPERIMENT: Losing Weight with Energy Healing
As some of you may know, I was an active bulimic for quite a few years. I was a compulsive eater and was about 50 pounds overweight. Over the years I have experienced great healing. I read books, participated in classes, engaged in therapy and did various forms of energy work.
I lost the excess weight in a natural way and maintained it for years. It was smooth, happy sailing for quite a while. However, when I hit my mid 30's, and before, during and after pregnancy, things got bumpy again. Although I have maintained a healthy weight, I have not been completely happy with my body, I've resorted to diets and gained and lost the same 10 + pounds several times over. I've had this niggling feeling that I could be happier and more satisfied with my body, food, and exercise. It is as if I'm 90% there.
But recently I thought, "Why not REALLY give myself the gift of feeling completely healed of my food/body issues and be really in love with myself! So, after some contemplation, messages from the Universe, and research, I decided to purchase Carol Looks weightloss program
My intention is to use EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique, a well-established healing modality) as my primary strategy in healing my issues and releasing permamanently the excess weight that comes and goes.
If there is anyone else out there who has either used the program or wants to join me on this journey, please share your experiences by posting comments here. I'd love to see this become a supportive resource for anyone who needs it.
Choose Your Reality! (I am!)
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Thursday, August 2, 2007
ARTICLE: 5 Ways to Thwart the Fear That Stands Between You and Your Dreams!
Fear is part of the human condition. No matter how you slice it, fear is going to be a part of your life. Hence, it is not the absence of fear that distinguishes successful dream-makers from unfulfilled wishers. When it comes to fear, the only difference between those that make their dreams come true and those that do not, is how they relate to their fear.
People who successfully manifest their dreams understand and accept that fear comes with the territory. They’ve learned ways to be bigger than their fear, dismantle it, or diffuse it. However, people who are controlled by their fear tend to lack the perspective and the tools necessary to become master over their so-called demons.
Here are five of my favorite fear-thwarting techniques:
1) Honor your fear. Emotions are the language of the soul. If fear is rearing its head, pay attention. Rather than pushing it away, listen and explore what the fear is about. If your fear is watching out for your safety, heed its call. But if your fear is heralding an opportunity to stretch beyond your comfort zone, then know that this is the time to take a breath and keep putting one foot in front of the other.
2) Befriend your fear. If your fear is presenting a growth opportunity, practice making it your ally. Rather than pushing your fear away, welcome it and embrace the chance to discover how to live with it. Give yourself permission to be afraid while simultaneously moving forward in your life. Imagine how much easier it would be to take a risk once you’ve given yourself permission to look an idiot, feel like a dork, sweat, shake, or stumble over your words.
3) Play the what’s-the-worst-that-can-happen? game. When fear has its grip on you, it is easy to become consumed by it. Sometimes fear is so big that it is all you can see. When this happens, ask yourself, “What’s the worst that can happen?” Once you have a response, ask again, “And what if that happens? What is the worst that can come of that?” Keep going until there is nothing left to ask. This exercise can help you realize that what is possible (your worst fear) is not what is probable (the more realistic outcome). A silenced fear tends to gain power and escalate to fantasy. But when you give voice to your fear, not only can it dissipate more easily, but you’ll likely gain a more grounded perspective on your situation. A new view will help you to breathe easier and this will allow you to access your more productive side.
4) Enlist the support of a guardian angel, coach, or cheering section. Going for your dreams requires taking risks. But no one said you have to do it alone. Allowing others to support in taking your next big step can help you to become bigger than your fear – even if only for a while. By lining up a pep talk beforehand, a smiling presence during, and a safety-net afterwards, you will discover that you can do things you never thought possible!
5) Change your self-talk. Never underestimate the power of words. Words are energy. Words create. They create the world around you, as well as your inner reality. So, notice what you say to yourself. If it isn’t uplifting, find a way to put a positive spin on it. For example, rather than “I feel afraid,” say to yourself, “I feel alive!” Or replace “I’m so nervous I could puke,” with “I’m ready to channel this adrenaline!” And instead of “I don’t think I can do this,” ask yourself, “What is it that I can do?” Mere miracles can occur simply by embracing the discipline of changing the way you talk to yourself! Before you can begin to overcome your fears, you must first decide that you wish to embark on the journey. You don’t have to know how you will do it, but you do need to be willing. Whether it is your personality or the way you were raised, there is much about fear-management that can be approached as a learnable skill. With a small bag of tricks and a little practice, you too can experience the self-confidence and freedom that comes from conquering your fears!
International Life Coach, Sonia Miller, has helped countless seekers realize their greatest aspirations since 1983. Learn how with her FREE Special Report: “How to Unleash the Magic When the Law of Attraction DOESN’T Work for You!” and her FREE content-rich monthly newsletter, the “Soul Food Ezine.” Go to:
Saturday, July 21, 2007
MUSING: Our Tony Soprano Camping Trip


ARTICLE: Give First
The Law of Attraction tells us like attracts like. So, if your vibration is one of wanting and lacking, you will attract more wanting and lacking. The solution is to flip your approach!
Next time you find yourself wanting to get something, experiment with giving first. Whenever you think of something you want, something you lack, something you wish to get - STOP - and find a way to give it first.
If you want more affection from your mate, stop looking for it and give it. If you want more money - stop - acknowledge how and where you do have it and give some away. If you want more time, give of your time.
Now here's the trick: You must have the right attitude. If all you do is go through the motions this will not work - at least not very well. The giving must be done freely. Get into your heart, stop to really acknowledge all that you have (sometimes it helps to remember that no matter how bad you think you have it, others have it worse), connect with your gratitude and give. Just GIVE with no expectation, with no strings attached. Offer your gift and release it to the Universe.
Try this for a month and see what happens. And don't be surprised when unexpected gifts of love, attention, time, support, or just what you need show up in your life.
Friday, July 6, 2007
ARTICLE: The Tao of Tony Soprano

This is our way embracing a deeper, all-important and powerful metaphysical mind-set - that of surrender.
We left for our family vacation on Happy July 4th. Hooked up our travel trailer - our family's new toy - and headed out for our first "real" trailer vacation. Our friend's son is getting married in California on Saturday, so we decided to build a vacation around it - breaking up the drive from Oregon, camping before, during and after, seeing friends, biking and site-seeing.
Well, things got off to a good start. We left on time, arrived at our half-way point as planned, set up camp, and headed out for lunch and errands. Turns out the Universe had something else in mind for us.
Long story short, here we were in the parking lot of Walmart with a dead car, in 104 degree heat, on the 4th of July. As you might imagine no service departments were open for the holiday.
It would have been very easy to jump down the black-hole of doom and gloom - "Oh no! Our vacation is ruined!" But, Chris and I have learned better and we practiced all the things we've learned about manifestation - suspending judgment, making the best of it, and trusting that there is good in the situation even if we can't see it.
So, AAA towed us, we rented a truck, contacted our friends and family to give them a head's up and surrendered to the situation. Waddaya gonna do?
Fast-forward to the big news. Our new truck needs an new transmission. So, California has been cancelled and the wedding will be missed. Yes, this is a sad development, but of one thing I'm sure: If we had decided to dive into the black-hole of resistance and complaining, it probably would have been a lot worse.
It certainly could have been a lot worse! But, by surrendering and counting our blessings, we were taken care of: The campground accommodated us, the California campground gave us a full refund, the tranny replacement is covered by warranty, the car broke down in Walmart not while climbing a mountain pass with the trailer in tow, we had cell phones, reception and AAA, we found another truck to rent so we can still have a quality vacation and load up the bikes as planned, and I'm sure there are other blessings we don't and won't even know about.
ALL of us are blessed with total freedom. But the freedom does not come from controlling our circumstances so that we can feel better. The freedom comes from choosing to feel good under all conditions. It is in BEING peace, trust, safety, abundance and well-being FIRST,that we attract more peace, trust, safety, abundance and well-being!
Choose Your Reality!
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Sunday, July 1, 2007
MUSING: Confessions of a Metaphysical Life Coach
When I first learned about the Law of Attraction some twenty years ago, I saw it as a way to make my dreams come true. Like many people, I wanted a lot. I thought that if I filled these wants, I'd be happy. However, as I started to reach my goals I learned that happiness did not come from their achievement. Happiness came through discovering who I needed to become in order to realize these goals.
Who did I become? I became more of my true Self. I became the ‘me’ that was lost beneath low self-esteem, fear, confusion, societal expectations and what the media portrays as reality. I discovered my own spirit. I discovered my truth. And I learned how to honor that truth. I realized that I had a purpose and that the only thing that would make me happy was to express that purpose.
My purpose is to help others remember, experience, and express their own divine nature. Therein lays my ulterior motive. Yes, I want you to make all of your dreams come true. But beyond that I’d like you to experience what I call Success for the Soul: the ability to have every aspect of your life become an honest expression of who you truly are and what you believe in.
We all have a purpose. Our purpose is the way we give. When we give, we are telling the Universe we have something to give. As we express more having, we experience having more. And as we have more and give more we bless our world with love, with abundance, with generosity and with healing. The pursuit of your dreams can be a vehicle for spiritual development. If you let your soul drive the bus of your life, it will guide you not only to personal fulfillment, but to your unique way of making the world a better place.
Choose Your Reality
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Thursday, June 21, 2007
MUSING: To Bitch or Not To Bitch - That IS the Question...
Perfect… just perfect, I groaned mentally. I could feel a victimy complaint list swelling in my mind, barreling down on what had been a zen-like state of consciousness. The desire to plunge into the delicious depths of a self-righteous bitch session (with me, myself, and I) swelled as I got out of my car to investigate.
Nope, no flat tire. But now what? I didn’t feel safe to drive. The last thing I needed was to become a vaporized mist in a pyrotechnic auto event. Probably not a good idea to risk driving.
So, I began going through the requisite motions. Called my hubby, couldn’t reach him. Called AAA. Called my mom. Called the rental car company. Started coordinating the details of my rescue amidst twenty dropped calls due to bad cell phone reception, and fifteen or so friendly Samaritans asking if I was okay.
What a DRAG! This was my first real day-off in a month. Just 60 seconds ago, I was in a wonderfully grateful, peaceful place. Aaaaahhhh, finally everyone’s schedule was set – kids, mine, childcare, summer vacation had started, the sun was finally shining. And BAM! I’m by the side of the road dealing with yet another of life’s inconveniences! This was the cherry on my Sundae of the past month! GRRRRR.
And yet, I’m a self-proclaimed metaphysician. I KNOW that I can’t afford to indulge in a bitch session without risking creating more of the same crap. I know too well how we create our experience and our reality. So, I fought my desire to delve into drama. Took some deep breaths and started my self-talk routine. Sonia, Source is good ALL the time. Be grateful. You’re in a safe place. You have a cell-phone. You have AAA. It could be worse. Your surroundings are beautiful. There’s no place you have to be. The kids are taken care of….”
On and on I tried to focus on the positive. I tried to “get happy.” But I just wasn’t in the mood to be happy. So, I didn’t bitch, but I didn’t get happy either. Then I remembered, Sonia, you don’t have to be happy, just suspend judgment. …BIG SIGH… Okay, that I can do. So, I “practiced pause”. I paused. Took a breath and declared to myself, This is only bad if I call it bad. I am suspending judgment of this situation. It is what it is and it is fine.
The desire to bitch released and I surrendered to the situation. Long story short, two hours later, my car was off to the dealership. The groceries were in my mother’s car along with me, and I was on my way to the rental car company.
The event resolved itself, but more importantly by choosing not to bitch and suspending judgment, some magical things happened. They happened because I knew there was something better than what I would have created by indulging in a go-nowhere bitch session.
Well, to start, after Good Samaritan #12 stopped by, a tearful wave of appreciation swept over me. It really hit me how there is help all around all the time. Stranger after stranger stopped to offer help and care – from the 4-wheelin’ teenagers, to biker dudes in tattoos, to mother and daughter teams, to lone truck men, to single business women. All types, all kinds, all just stopping to help. What a moving reality when you really let it in.
Then at the car rental place, the woman helping me asked, “What was that other business I heard about on your voicemail?” “Oh, that’s Success for the Soul - my private practice. I’m a life coach and counselor.” “Wow!” Her eyes lit up. “I NEED a life coach. Tell me more.” We chatted for a while and she shared that her life was in transition and her eldest son was going to Iraq. She was interested in gaining clarity and guidance for her life.
In less than two hours I had gone from a pain-in-the-neck agitation to an intimate connection with a soul whose child was going to war. Geez! My mere annoyance was certainly worth this sacred moment, wouldn’t you say?
I drove home reflecting on the choice I had had. To bitch or not to bitch, that WAS the question. In a moment when life gave me a situation I really did not care for, I had a choice. We always have a choice. We are always free - not necessarily to change the conditions of life at any given moment, but to choose how we will perceive an event. We are free to choose our attitude. We are free to choose how we will judge an event. And in so doing, we do, indeed, choose our reality.
Choose Your Reality!
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Saturday, June 16, 2007
MUSING: The Law of Attraction and Kids
Anyhow, today I was blessed with gleeful joy, when I discovered on my coffee table our kids' most recent manifest list. It reads, and I quote:
baby bull dog
1. blak or white or broun
2. baby not gown up
3. pepsyordeth (no idea what that means, but dang it is cute!)
4. playfull
5. outside and inside
6. boy
7. likes water
8. likes cats
It was beyond fun to see them resort to an activity I offered them one day, a while back, when they were frustrated by a “no” response to a toy request. We’ve taught them about visualization (i.e. pretending they already have it), choosing thoughts that make them happy vs. focusing on things that make them mad, and reaching for gratitude when faced with the absence of what they want.
Sometimes they find our philosophies frustrating because there’s no room for them to be victims. And let’s face it, it is easy for kids to feel powerless when grown-ups keep telling them what they can and cannot do. But imagine the power a child can access when you tell them, “No, you can’t always have things your way. You don’t always have control over what life gives you. BUT you have total power over your attitude and how you choose to think about a thing. Keep thinking that you will have what you want and one day you will.”
Well, the other day, my little Law of Attraction boy monster was lobbying, yet again for a cell-phone. He’s only 8 for goodness sake! I said, “Nathaniel, we’ve talked about this a million times. You won’t have one until it is necessary. Keep asking and you’ll have to wait till you’re 18.” “No I won’t.” “Yes, you will,” I retorted. “No, I’ll get one when I want,” he declared with all the confidence and strength I've ever wished for him. Suddenly, my silent-till-then husband chimed in, “Yes, Nathaniel, knowing you, you probably WILL get one when you want.”
Our Law of Attraction kids are respectful, but never submissive. This means more work for us. But I’d rather have kids that can think for themselves, trust themselves, and know their power than ones who make my life easy. Law of Attraction kids make for empowered future adults who create their own reality rather than feel victim to the world around them. Sounds like a promising future to me. What do you think?
Choose Your Reality,
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Wednesday, June 13, 2007
ARTICLE: Dealing with John Q. Inconsiderate
The reality is that all events in life are actually neutral. They only become "good" events or "bad" events when we judge them as good or bad. Our thoughts, emotions, and actions together comprise our consciousness. And consciousness creates! Remember, what you put in the big cosmic copy machine, you get back in your experience.
So, what did I do? I immediately stopped complaining and mentally gave John Q. the benefit of the doubt. "Sonia, you've had good experiences with him. You've been happy with his work. He's been professional. He's probably just very busy. He'll write back. Just let it go." And guess what? I got home and there was an email waiting for me with an apology and explanation for his non-communication. I kid you not! That's how this stuff works.
If you want to start creating a different reality than what you're currently experiencing, start paying attention to your mind-set. What you discover can lead you to new possibilities.
Choose Your Reality!
Sonia Miller
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Thursday, June 7, 2007
ARTICLE: The Willingness Experiment
We often shut the door on a generous Universe because we can be unconscious of our vibration. If you'd like to push the door wide open, experiment with a willingness mantra.
Choose something you wish to change in your life and every time you catch yourself talking or thinking in a negative or limiting way about it, say to yourself with sincere intention, "I am WILLING to allow... (fill in the blank)."
If you wish you had more time, "I am WILLING to allow more time into my experience." If you want a relationship and think there are no good men, "I am WILLING to see all the great, available men out there." If you want more money, "I am WILLING to learn how to be prosperous."
Do this with commitment for forty days. Then, pay attention and look for evidence that you are receiving what you desire. If you do this with sincere intention, things will show up in your life. And as they do, say, "Thank you, Universe! I'm willing to allow more!"
Choose Your Reality!
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Friday, June 1, 2007
MUSING: I Had a 10 lb. Metaphysical Baby!
For the last two months I've been in what has felt like a creative worm-hole, traveling at light speed, letting all manner of inspiration and nuts and bolts action move through me to create The Law of Attraction Tele-Coaching Program. This is my baby! And today, poof! It was born. I finally put on the last of the finishing touches and sent out the official announcement.
I couldn't be more thrilled. If you've read the "About Me" section of my blog, you'll know that I'm just a *little* bit of a zealot when it comes to the Law of Attraction. I don't care what the skeptics say. My life is living proof that it works. And it can either work for you or against you. It is just a matter of whether you want to wake up and accept that you create your experience or not.
Believe me, I know how black and white this sounds. And, on one level, it IS that black and white. Yet, on other levels there are so many subtle nuances that make all the difference as to whether or not you can get the Law of Attraction to work in your life. I KNOW about these subtle nuances. I've spent 20 years studying them.
Over the years I've questioned, tested, challenged and even rejected the idea that I create my reality - many times over. And yet, each time life brought me adversity, somehow I kept returning to the idea that I was powerful and not a victim of circumstance or fate. After enough challenge, study and exploration, I was finally able to reconcile the seeming contradictions. I finally understood how it all worked. And now, I live my life this way. I feel soooo blessed. Not just for the "things" that I have, but much more for the peace, the serenity, and the love that fills my heart. For years I felt trapped in a prison, and I now I'm free!
I want nothing more than to help others know this kind of freedom. Life is too sweet to not eat it up!
Anyhoo, now that my baby is born, I get to play with it. I look forward to seeing what Source sends my way!
Choose Your Reality!
To learn more about The Law of Attraction Tele-Coaching Program go to:$Coach.html
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ADVICE: Taming Terrorism
A: When the fear of terrorism controls your sense of well-being then the one you need to protect against is your inner-terrorist, not some stranger out in the big world.
Your inner-terrorist is the part of you that focuses on terrorism. You may seek comfort by becoming informed via TV or newspapers, only to find no end to the evidence that you should be very afraid. The media presents just one very distorted and biased perspective on the world. Yet, there exists exponentially more well-being than the media would have you believe. People live productive lives, walk around in healthy bodies, safely travel on airplanes, and experience love and kindness every day, all the time! Your inner-terrorist, however, chooses to focuses instead on suffering and fear.
Dealing with "bad-ness" requires a complete and profound paradigm shift. Our culture bombards us with the philosophy that our only defense is resistance and control. We fight against perceived evil and attempt to make others conform to our way of life. However, since like attracts like, our resistance becomes a form of attention which only serves to energize the very things we don't want. We change the world by being contagious not combative. The positive energy you activate in our own life ripples out to others.
To create a more harmonious world, begin with your own world. Stop watching and reading bad news. And turn your attention to the good in your life. The solution lies in redirecting your focus rather than resisting what you oppose. I'm not saying this is easy, but I am saying you have a choice. You can spend your energy coping with consuming fear, or creatively looking for evidence that well-being abounds.
Choose Your Reality!
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Tuesday, May 29, 2007
MUSING: Quantum Physics Supports World Peace
I've heard about collective intention for good things before, but what really struck me was the scientific theory behind the specific goal of 80,000. Chris went on to read a passage quoting Victor Grey's work, Web Without a Weaver, (Open Heart Press, 1997).
"Physicists tell us that according to the laws of wave mechanics, the intensity of any kind of waves that are in phase with each other is the square of the sum of the waves. In other words, two waves added together are four times as intense as one wave, ten waves are one hundred times as intense, etc.
Since thought is an energy, and all energy occurs as waves - we believe that 80,000 people all thinking the same thing together are as powerful, in terms of creating the reality that we all share, as the random chaotic thought of the 6.4 billion people (80,000 times 80,000) that will soon inhabit the planet.
Therefore, 80,000 people who believe that only love prevails, will create a laser of intent that will change the planetary reality."
Call me a metaphysical nerd, but I thought this was beyond cool! I went straight to the web-site:, read everything I needed to know, and signed up. I've been intentionally redirecting my thougths toward love in the face of media negativity for some years now. But I just LOVE being part of an organized effort. Won't you join me? As of today there are more than 31,000 peace-makers participating in this effort. I can feel the energy gaining momentum like a snowball. The world is a beautiful place. We need only decide to look for the beauty to experience it that way!
Choose Your Reality!
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ADVICE: Finding Your Source
A: Source energy refers to the idea that there is ONE power in the Universe and that power is in the form of energy. Everything is energy ? our thoughts, our emotions, our bodies, our stuff. The essential nature of this universal energy is infinite love, wisdom, power and goodness. This means that the natural state of the Universe is abundance, well-being, perfect health, joy, freedom, peace, etc. And because EVERYTHING is energy, by definition you are also made up of this energy, and therefore possess the very same properties of infinite well-being. The relationship between health and source energy is a matter of resistance vs. allowing. Thoughts and emotions that make you feel bad act as resistance to the natural expression of source energy within you. This resistance impedes the expression of good health. When you release resistance, you allow source energy (i.e. your true nature) to express in, as, and through you more freely. As a result source energy expressing as good health can then be your experience.
Choose Your Reality!
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Sunday, May 27, 2007
ARTICLE: The Power of "I Don't Know"
Anyway, here’s the spiritual rub: after trying to control the (#@%!) out of the process and make everyone happy, including the marketing expert, I remembered The Power of I Don’t Know. In my earlier days of chasing big life dreams, my mentors guided me with this wisdom:
When you’re going for your big dreams, and you don’t know how to proceed or what to believe…
1) Accept when you just don’t know. Embrace it. Surrender. Declare, “I don’t know what I’m doing.” (It will be very liberating!)
2) Let it be okay. You WILL find your answers – not by trying to hunt them down and grab them, but by letting them come to you.
3) THEN, gather information. Gather, gather, gather every perspective and opinion, and take it only as information. Don’t try to figure out which one is right. Just gather.
4) You’ll know you’ve gathered enough information, when things get repetitive. When you no longer hear anything new, it is time to turn within.
5) Then, in the stillness of I don’t know, see what feels right for you, trust it and go with it.
In the world of metaphysics, there is no right or wrong. There is only allowing and resistance. As long as you get caught up in right/wrong thinking, you’ll be inviting resistance. If, however, you go with what feels true for you, you will allow your soul to guide you every step of the way.
So, what’s my book title? It is a combination of several opinions and perspectives. But must importantly, it is what feels true and right for me. The rest is up to Source! And I intend to keep allowing Source to do its magic!
Choose Your Reality,
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Friday, May 18, 2007
ARTICLE: What Do You Put in the Big Cosmic Copy Machine?
The reality is that all events in life are actually neutral. They only become "good" events or "bad" events when we judge them as good or bad. Our thoughts, emotions, and actions together comprise our consciousness. And consciousness creates! Remember, what you put in the big cosmic copy machine, you get back in your experience.
So, what did I do? I immediately stopped complaining and mentally gave John Q. the benefit of the doubt. "Sonia, you've had good experiences with him. You've been happy with his work. He's been professional. He's probably just very busy. He'll write back. Just let it go." And guess what? I got home and there was an email waiting for me with an apology and explanation for his non-communication. I kid you not! That's how this stuff works.
If you want to start creating a different reality than what you're currently experiencing, start paying attention to your consciousness. What you discover can lead you to new possibilities.
Choose Your Reality!
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Wednesday, May 16, 2007
ARTICLE: Challenge Your Wounds
For the sake of simplicity, I define a wound as anything that makes you feel powerless. Wounds are made up of traumas and associated limiting beliefs and fears. We remain victims to our wounds when we do not challenge them and when we are unwilling to believe that things can be different. If, however, you confront your wounds and say, I'm willing to know my wholeness - then you've begun to take your power back.
Recently, one of my recurring wounds reared its lovely head to push me toward more growth. In the span of five days, three different sources invaded my "peace-bubble" with the message: We live in a scary world where children are abducted and molested on a regular basis. You'd better do something about it! In their attempt to help, these people succeeded only in awakening fear and powerlessness within me.
I knew that there was a greater truth based in love and peace, and if I did not access it, I was destined to pass the wound on to my children. Fear had its grip on me and the only thing to do was face it, challenge it, and re-connect with my truth on the subject. So, I owned the fear, contemplated it, talked to my husband about it, and meditated. The fear released and I had reclaimed my power. Sometimes we can transform our wounds on our own. Many times we need help. A good counselor, healer, or teacher can help you reconnect with your wholeness.
If you truly want to activate your infinite creative power, you must be willing to challenge your wounds. Consciousness creates! As we transform fear, dismantle limiting beliefs, and remember higher truth, we expand our consciousness to allow greater good into our lives.
Choose Your Reality!
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Tuesday, May 15, 2007
ARTICLE: Your Wanting Mechanism
Do you allow yourself to want what you want? Do you know what you want? Did you use to want things, but snuffed out that little flame when disappointment was too much to bear? We all have what I call a wanting mechanism. Wanting is a huge part of what makes us human. Wanting is good. It is your soul calling you forth to remember and express your potential as an infinitely powerful creator.
Yet, some people think wanting is bad. They may think that wanting only causes pain. Or, they have mistakenly confused non-attachment with not wanting - two very different things. It is true that wanting can lead to suffering when your interpretation of wanting is distorted. If you think of wanting as a hunger to be satiated, then yes, you will always be hungry, because your wanting will cause you to focus on lack. If, however, you understand that wanting is an expression of the universal life force, which guides you evermore toward the next highest expression of you, then wanting can be a great source of joy. As you let yourself want, a void will become apparent. But do not fear the void. Go into it and see what appears. If you stay open and listen, you will be guided toward your desires.
If your wanting mechanism has gone dormant, consider waking it up. Yes, it might be scary to stir up your greatest desires, but is it any less scary to imagine completing your life without having truly lived it?
Choose Your Reality!
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